Tuesday, November 9, 2010

changes... changes..

I think of myself to be a picky eater. I used to only eat chicken and beef. After reading this book it has made me think of the ground beef situation. That every time I hit a hard chunk that it isn’t just gristle but bone, butt or even worse bone and butt from a worker. Poop in my meat, and unsanitary conditions that no matter how burnt you get it, it’s still infected. E-coli and mad cow are also a concern. I haven’t yet changed my eating habits, but it is something that will be coming soon. I am part of the 90% of people that visit a fast food restaurant more than 3 times a week. More like every day we stop somewhere to pick up something fast. After reading this book , it has made me think twice and going the extra 20 minutes home to make something without meat. I am not a vegetarian, nor do I ever think I will be, but this book has given me second thought. I guess vegetables here I come, does anyone know how to cook tofu? I heard it is gross, but I have never personally tried it. So what is the safe meat to eat? PLEASE DON’T SAY FISH!


  1. FISH!
    Sorry..lol So you think it could be a guys butt you are eating when you bite into a hard piece of beef? Lol Never thought of that.

  2. Try getting "The Good Ground" at Trader Joe's. It's a hamburger substitute you can use in tacos, sloppy joes, etc. It's a good place to start! (Add seasoning to it!)

  3. It is really hard here in California to know exactly where the meat is coming from. In smaller places there are farmers markets where you can get meat that was butchered that day by the farmer. I don't know about around VC. You could always go hunting.
