Friday, October 8, 2010


Jessica Garcia
English 101
Family is a hard thing for me to describe. What family was when I was young is nothing like my modern day family. When I was young my family was close. Any reason was a reason to get to get together. Now we only get together for funerals or milestone birthdays.
My Father:
When I was a little girl I can remember spending a lot of time with my father. Driving golf carts at his work, fishing trips, camping, and of course yearly Mexico trips. As I grew into a young lady he required me to do more “women’s work.” Cleaning and cooking, or whatever he needed done. I rebelled, and told him “I was his daughter and not his slave.” He told me to get out or pay rent. I moved out and moved in with my boyfriend at the time. After I held a job and was on my own my father reestablished a relationship with me. We began racing nitro R/C’s and things were good. He helped my boyfriend and I realize we wanted more. My father helped us buy a house in Oregon. I got married and divorced in that house. After my divorce there were some hard times hit. I was knocked up and alone. So again life before my father didn’t want much to do with me. About 1 ½ years later I had to move back to California. My cousins and aunts all told me not to worry because my father would be the male role model my son needed Since I was leaving my sons father we could work out our problems and be close again. I didn’t know till I moved here that he was engaged to a woman who told my grandma she doesn’t like children. I’ve been here 2 years and have seen my father maybe 10 times. He has not stepped up to be a role model to anyone.
My Mother:
In short I’ll start with, my mother is crazy! Growing up I can remember mostly yelling from her. She was yelling at my father until they got divorced. Her yelling at me until I moved out. Everything has always been a fight with her. (This is where I get my psycho) My mother had a drinking problem when I was growing up, but she found peace in god. When I was 13 she married this controlling genius that sucked the life out of her. When I moved back to California she was the one who flew up and helped me rent and drive the truck. She can do anything but keep her opinion to herself. She tells everyone that she will support and help me raise my son, and all she wants me to do is go to school. Really the translation is that she has me pay rent, buy food, and I take care of my son when he is not at school. She is two faced, but I need her. We go to Wal-Mart and people think we are lesbians. It’s an odd relationship, but I have no one else.
It doesn’t matter if you’re blood anyone will turn their back on you. My family is what I make of it, and consists of myself, my son and my mother. Family to me is the same as the strangers in the classroom, I know who you are but we don’t talk.


  1. Sounds like you are making the most of a difficult situation!

  2. It's hard to have such complicated issues with your family :/ i hope things get better!
