Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blogging......... oh how I will miss thee.....

Oh blogging… blogging… huh... I do enjoy blogging, however some of the subjects I had to really think about, and some were personally hard for me. I am a person who has a lot to say, and doesn’t always say it right. I would recommend blogging for future classes, however maybe a little more lenient on the subjects. I personally used to blog on MySpace about everything. It was a good output for my frustration. When I was little my step father gave me a notebook and told me to write what I was feeling, and no one would ever read it. Of course he forgot to tell my nosey mother and she read it and sent me to the shrink. So much for privacy! Blogging is good, I don’t however think I will continue the blog on blog spot, I haven’t decided yet. It is a good site, and after getting through the first two weeks it’s pretty easy to use. Maybe I will continue if I can get Betty to be my friend… lol! This maybe my last blog for our class, but you will never shut me up!